
Showing posts from February, 2022

Gba Magic 256m Gba Card Software Magic Flash Little Writer Download Updated FREE

Gba Magic 256m Gba Card Software Magic Flash Little Writer Download Gateway 3DS Nintendo 3DS Flash Card Review After two long years of waiting a real working ROM Flash Carte du jour for Nintendo 3DS! There were ups and downs with this projection when we stated to question if it volition ever happen, only at present afterward some delays the first batch of the GATEWAY 3DS cards are out with the early adopters who were fix to pay ~$80 USD for this unique peace of game backup hardware. What nosotros can say is it works. It tin can play the 3DS ROM files that were bachelor for download for quite some time now. No patching of roms required. No soldering or any hardware changes needed for the Nintendo 3DS. The large drawback is that only consoles that have firmware versions up to 4.5 are supported, but that could change in almost future then stay tuned for more GW3DS news and u
